Oct. 1, 2006
Dear Mother,
Finally, fabulous fall foments friends frivolous folly!
Well, Maureen had to return to the hospital on Wednesday pm for another blood transfusion. She also has had several other tests, but was able to come home today (Sunday). She will receive some test results tomorrow and probably see the doctor on Tuesday. It is a slow process to get better. She is on a low protein, low salt and low dairy diet.
I was able to still be able to fit in a day adventure with my retired Evergreen friends, on Tuesday. We spent the day at Burney Falls and Britton Lake. Impressive falls and peaceful lake in a beautiful wilderness state park setting! Some of you may have seen the online photos.
With Maureen in the hospital--I ran errands, did some heavy cleaning and was able to enjoy a couple nights out. The outdoors Turtle Bay Cafe by the Sundial Bridge was having their last weekend of free music. Luckily, it was a band that I really enjoy, “Swing City Band”, and they were top notch!
Couples were dancing and everyone was smiling and tapping out the beat! The evening night air was pleasant and the temperatures nice. So, I ended up going two nights in a row. A couple lady friends joined me on Saturday evening.
Sunday, after getting Maureen home and settled in, I went to a gathering for a candidate for city council. It was held at my friend’s house and she had a lovely table setting and incredible horsd’oeuvres with special wines. I met some fascinating people, and was impressed with the candidate.
The up coming week also has a lot going on, I hope I can accomplish it all. I’m wishing you a wonderful week!
Thought of the week:
I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy ever minute of it.
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