Dear Family and Friends,
Let me start off with a paraphrase from Jerry Seinfeld, “with a car you are sitting--yet, you are moving, you are inside--yet, you are outside”. Great for chilly, windy weather, such as today. As I meander home from working out, I take pleasure in the beauty of a winter day. February has brought forth dabs of pink, white and brilliant coral delicate petals (a promise of spring) on the previously bare branches of the trees. This day, instead of being lit translucent from behind by the sun, they are framed by dark foreboding clouds. The entire upside down bowl of the sky above is full of more shapes, sizes, and styles of clouds than tongue can tell. So I marvel once again and am grateful for the beauty bestowed daily on all of us. I hope you have a chance to take a ride in your car and revel in it also.
As you can tell, “it has been a quite week in Lakewobegon”. Sunday though, things picked up as Vicky had a baby shower for Desiree (baby mama of Noah’s baby). After the shower, Carrie (Ken’s sister) watched the kids while Vicky and I went down the street to the “Hen House” to have a drink and visit Sara (a friend of Chris’) who works there. When suddenly to our surprise, in came Bonnie (Vicky’s sister from Santa Clara). We did not think she was coming, so we were very happy to see her. And that is when we began taking shots!! As they say “opportunity knocks, but temptation leans on the bell”! “Forgive me for I have zinned (as in White Zinfandel)!” Needless to say it was a FUN evening and we got to sleep late. Next day nine of us went to Turtle Bay Museum (as Bonnie and her kids had not been there). Another night of visiting and late to bed, but on Tuesday I really kicked back and caught up on my sleep! It is hard to keep up with those 10 years younger than me.
So now I’m back on track and working out and eating better. I’m making an effort to do my weekly chores--however, after writing out my list of all the house jobs I could do today, I thought...or I could read all day....and then I giggled out loud, because I REALLY could since I’m retired! I am currently reading, four books and would love to complete them. I did however, get somethings accomplished and to enjoy myself I listen to NPR and San Francisco jazz on the radio over my computer.
This coming weekend there are some live music performances I also hope to catch!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend with great music and outdoor beauty.
Thought of the week:
I assume full responsibility for my actions, expect the ones that are someone else’s fault.
Dear Family and Friends,
Let me start off with a paraphrase from Jerry Seinfeld, “with a car you are sitting--yet, you are moving, you are inside--yet, you are outside”. Great for chilly, windy weather, such as today. As I meander home from working out, I take pleasure in the beauty of a winter day.
February has brought forth dabs of pink, white and brilliant coral delicate petals (a promise of spring) on the previously bare branches of the trees. This day, instead of being lit translucent from behind by the sun, they are framed by dark foreboding clouds. The entire upside down bowl of the sky above is full of more shapes, sizes, and styles of clouds than tongue can tell. So I marvel once again and am grateful for the beauty bestowed daily on all of us. I hope you have a chance to take a ride in your car and revel in it also.
As you can tell, “it has been a quite week in Lakewobegon”. Sunday though, things picked up as Vicky had a baby shower for Desiree (baby mama of Noah’s baby). After the shower, Carrie (Ken’s sister) watched the kids while Vicky and I went down the street to the “Hen House” to have a drink and visit Sara (a friend of Chris’) who works there. When suddenly to our surprise, in came Bonnie (Vicky’s sister from Santa Clara). We did not think she was coming, so we were very happy to see her. And that is when we began taking shots!! As they say “opportunity knocks, but temptation leans on the bell”! “Forgive me for I have zinned (as in White Zinfandel)!” Needless to say it was a FUN evening and we got to sleep late. Next day nine of us went to Turtle Bay Museum (as Bonnie and her kids had not been there). Another night of visiting and late to bed, but on Tuesday I really kicked back and caught up on my sleep! It is hard to keep up with those 10 years younger than me.
So now I’m back on track and working out and eating better. I’m making an effort to do my weekly chores--however, after writing out my list of all the house jobs I could do today, I thought...or I could read all day....and then I giggled out loud, because I REALLY could since I’m retired! I am currently reading, four books and would love to complete them. I did however, get somethings accomplished and to enjoy myself I listen to NPR and San Francisco jazz on the radio over my computer.
This coming weekend there are some live music performances I also hope to catch!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend with great music and outdoor beauty.
Thought of the week:
I assume full responsibility for my actions, expect the ones that are someone else’s fault.
Dear Family and Friends,
Let me start off with a paraphrase from Jerry Seinfeld, “with a car you are sitting--yet, you are moving, you are inside--yet, you are outside”. Great for chilly, windy weather, such as today. As I meander home from working out, I take pleasure in the beauty of a winter day.
February has brought forth dabs of pink, white and brilliant coral delicate petals (a promise of spring) on the previously bare branches of the trees. This day, instead of being lit translucent from behind by the sun, they are framed by dark foreboding clouds. The entire upside down bowl of the sky above is full of more shapes, sizes, and styles of clouds than tongue can tell. So I marvel once again and am grateful for the beauty bestowed daily on all of us. I hope you have a chance to take a ride in your car and revel in it also.
As you can tell, “it has been a quite week in Lakewobegon”. Sunday though, things picked up as Vicky had a baby shower for Desiree (baby mama of Noah’s baby). After the shower, Carrie (Ken’s sister) watched the kids while Vicky and I went down the street to the “Hen House” to have a drink and visit Sara (a friend of Chris’) who works there. When suddenly to our surprise, in came Bonnie (Vicky’s sister from Santa Clara). We did not think she was coming, so we were very happy to see her. And that is when we began taking shots!! As they say “opportunity knocks, but temptation leans on the bell”! “Forgive me for I have zinned (as in White Zinfandel)!” Needless to say it was a FUN evening and we got to sleep late. Next day nine of us went to Turtle Bay Museum (as Bonnie and her kids had not been there). Another night of visiting and late to bed, but on Tuesday I really kicked back and caught up on my sleep! It is hard to keep up with those 10 years younger than me.
So now I’m back on track and working out and eating better. I’m making an effort to do my weekly chores--however, after writing out my list of all the house jobs I could do today, I thought...or I could read all day....and then I giggled out loud, because I REALLY could since I’m retired! I am currently reading, four books and would love to complete them. I did however, get somethings accomplished and to enjoy myself I listen to NPR and San Francisco jazz on the radio over my computer.
This coming weekend there are some live music performances I also hope to catch!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend with great music and outdoor beauty.
Thought of the week:
I assume full responsibility for my actions, expect the ones that are someone else’s fault.
Dear Family and Friends,
Let me start off with a paraphrase from Jerry Seinfeld, “with a car you are sitting--yet, you are moving, you are inside--yet, you are outside”. Great for chilly, windy weather, such as today. As I meander home from working out, I take pleasure in the beauty of a winter day.
February has brought forth dabs of pink, white and brilliant coral delicate petals (a promise of spring) on the previously bare branches of the trees. This day, instead of being lit translucent from behind by the sun, they are framed by dark foreboding clouds. The entire upside down bowl of the sky above is full of more shapes, sizes, and styles of clouds than tongue can tell. So I marvel once again and am grateful for the beauty bestowed daily on all of us. I hope you have a chance to take a ride in your car and revel in it also.
As you can tell, “it has been a quite week in Lakewobegon”. Sunday though, things picked up as Vicky had a baby shower for Desiree (baby mama of Noah’s baby). After the shower, Carrie (Ken’s sister) watched the kids while Vicky and I went down the street to the “Hen House” to have a drink and visit Sara (a friend of Chris’) who works there. When suddenly to our surprise, in came Bonnie (Vicky’s sister from Santa Clara). We did not think she was coming, so we were very happy to see her. And that is when we began taking shots!! As they say “opportunity knocks, but temptation leans on the bell”! “Forgive me for I have zinned (as in White Zinfandel)!” Needless to say it was a FUN evening and we got to sleep late. Next day nine of us went to Turtle Bay Museum (as Bonnie and her kids had not been there). Another night of visiting and late to bed, but on Tuesday I really kicked back and caught up on my sleep! It is hard to keep up with those 10 years younger than me.
So now I’m back on track and working out and eating better. I’m making an effort to do my weekly chores--however, after writing out my list of all the house jobs I could do today, I thought...or I could read all day....and then I giggled out loud, because I REALLY could since I’m retired! I am currently reading, four books and would love to complete them. I did however, get somethings accomplished and to enjoy myself I listen to NPR and San Francisco jazz on the radio over my computer.
This coming weekend there are some live music performances I also hope to catch!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend with great music and outdoor beauty.
Thought of the week:
I assume full responsibility for my actions, expect the ones that are someone else’s fault.
Dear Family and Friends,
Let me start off with a paraphrase from Jerry Seinfeld, “with a car you are sitting--yet, you are moving, you are inside--yet, you are outside”. Great for chilly, windy weather, such as today. As I meander home from working out, I take pleasure in the beauty of a winter day.
February has brought forth dabs of pink, white and brilliant coral delicate petals (a promise of spring) on the previously bare branches of the trees. This day, instead of being lit translucent from behind by the sun, they are framed by dark foreboding clouds. The entire upside down bowl of the sky above is full of more shapes, sizes, and styles of clouds than tongue can tell. So I marvel once again and am grateful for the beauty bestowed daily on all of us. I hope you have a chance to take a ride in your car and revel in it also.
As you can tell, “it has been a quite week in Lakewobegon”. Sunday though, things picked up as Vicky had a baby shower for Desiree (baby mama of Noah’s baby). After the shower, Carrie (Ken’s sister) watched the kids while Vicky and I went down the street to the “Hen House” to have a drink and visit Sara (a friend of Chris’) who works there. When suddenly to our surprise, in came Bonnie (Vicky’s sister from Santa Clara). We did not think she was coming, so we were very happy to see her. And that is when we began taking shots!! As they say “opportunity knocks, but temptation leans on the bell”! “Forgive me for I have zinned (as in White Zinfandel)!” Needless to say it was a FUN evening and we got to sleep late. Next day nine of us went to Turtle Bay Museum (as Bonnie and her kids had not been there). Another night of visiting and late to bed, but on Tuesday I really kicked back and caught up on my sleep! It is hard to keep up with those 10 years younger than me.
So now I’m back on track and working out and eating better. I’m making an effort to do my weekly chores--however, after writing out my list of all the house jobs I could do today, I thought...or I could read all day....and then I giggled out loud, because I REALLY could since I’m retired! I am currently reading, four books and would love to complete them. I did however, get somethings accomplished and to enjoy myself I listen to NPR and San Francisco jazz on the radio over my computer.
This coming weekend there are some live music performances I also hope to catch!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend with great music and outdoor beauty.
Thought of the week:
I assume full responsibility for my actions, expect the ones that are someone else’s fault.