Letters to family and friends, with some additional mindless ramblings and photos.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
These two little girls, shared yet again another birthday today. Though, one was in Texas and one in California. Next year we vow to be together, perhaps in Hawaii, for our 60th.
For me, my birthday week was one of many meals! I shared lunch last Wednesday with a friend who just recently retired and had been one of my first friends when I started my 30 year career, at my one and only school. Therefore, we have gone through literally--life and death experiences together, not to mention a great deal of silliness and laughter! That was followed by a Friday morning brunch with two more retirees from my previous school. We had to try out the funky looking restaurant we all have often driven by... “Joe’s Giant Orange”. It had been bragged up and rightly so. So feeling as round as the orange, I yet again met with the “Redding Gals” to celebrate three October birthdays with lunch. And pie for me, I always have to have a piece of pumpkin pie on for my birthday!!
Thus, I begin another new year. I look back and I am thankful for all my good friends and my wonderful family. So I think I’ll “keep on truckin’”! Ah...better make that “walkin’” after all that food!!
thought of the day: “Be yourself, everyone else it taken.”
Friday, October 19, 2007
Recently, I saw a photo of my late husband, gone almost 13 years. It looked like he was in his twenties, most likely before I knew him. We met when he was 23 and I was 21, and married two years later. Our son is almost 28 and I was surprised to see how closely they resembled each other. Christopher (son) on left and Bill (husband) on right.
thought of the day: "So life has a hill, get over it."
To Decorate or Not to Decorate
As fall unfolds and holidays approach the question is: To decorate or not to decorate?I live alone--so there is no one to appreciate and enjoy the decorations. However, I do like to do a little (if only for me) (not like when the kids were little, of course).
So, I went ahead placing candles, acorns(which my niece and nephew helped me gather), pumpkins, flowers, etc. Luckily, my turn for “GAME DAY” came up, so several friends came over. I got to feel good about what I had done. Do you choose to decorate?
thought of the day: "To write with a broken pencil is pointless."
Who doesn’t like arts and crafts? It is always fun to look, get ideas, hear the music, eat the food, see people and sometimes make purchases.
So recently, friends and I headed over to Caldwell Park for the annual Fall Arts and Crafts Fair. Where, we did all of the above. Plus, it is also the annual Ducky Derby, when community members purchase rubber ducks (money goes to charity), and these rubber ducks are dropped into the Sacramento River, the first to cross the finish line is award the BIG prize of that particular year. (Of course, I’ve never won). We did however, get our photo taken with "THE DUCK".
Soon after, there was an annual local Art Studio Tour. This was especially fun as I knew several of the artists. Seeing all of their art work and their individual studios was so amazing! What talent we have here in Redding! To me it is unfathomable... how they do it. But, I guess some of us have to be the consumers. And yes, I did buy a lovely painting that a friend had done and I had desired for quite a while.
thought of the day: "Reality. TV. Two more reasons to read!"
Three Cs and More
Monthly, I join two other retirees from my former job for a get together. September, we took a drive to the near by small town of Mineral on Mill Creek driving to Lassen National Park. When we got to the Park, we had a picnic and of course, caught up on each other’s news. Cathy has a new granddaughter, Caroline was headed to the coast and I had just returned from the east coast (AARP convention in Boston and yearly reunion with junior high friends in Virginia).previous blogs about those trips
The next evening was a Bunco game with current employees from former job. They play about once a month, great to reconnect with everyone. Bunco is a silly dice game and their Bunco mascot is a Roadrunner. Anything to be with friends and relax and have fun. What do you do?
thought of the day: "Practice safe eating - always use condiments."
Thursday, October 04, 2007
The Last Lecture
If you have or have not heard of Professor Randy Pausch from Carnegie Mellon University and his "Last Lecture"...you must go to the web site. See his lecture and read his story. His link: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch/
Of course, my beloved husband died of this cancer almost 13 years ago, so I have a strong emotional draw. However, I feel you will too.
Having said our goodbyes to Wanda and Don, we headed for “The Blue Ridge Parkway” in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The drive there was absolutely gorgeous, as tall leafy green trees lined both sides of the road. Then when we searched the summit the views were incredible and the air fresh, clean and crisp. We did not know what lay ahead, but we found a wonderful lodge, Big Meadow Lodge. The lodge had a great room with a large fireplace with an amazing view. There was also a restaurant and a basement bar called the “Tap Room”, where we heard a duo sing and play. We were able to get a cute little cabin to stay in. Taking hikes we saw deer close by, but no bears , though they are there.
As we needed to be in Arlington near the airport, the next day we drove back down the mountain. That evening, we met up with Linda’s daughter, Lindsay, who works at the Pentagon. She joined us for dinner, a nice final evening together.