Friday, October 10, 2008

Gather Ye Charge Cords

Gather Ye Charge Cords

When preparing (last week) for another fun trip. Almost one a month...I love it. Isn’t this what retirement is all about? Anyway, now when I
pack, I need to remember to bring my charging cords!! Let’s see, there is the one for my cell phone, the one for my IPOD, the one for my camera, the one for my blue tooth, the one for my camera to the computer, and the one for the lap top computer. Then there is the car adaptor cords--one for the cell phone, and one for the IPOD. times have changed. I used to just try to remember to pack enough underwear, one for each new day. Once again...I’m going “nuckin futs”!

Thought for the day: If you take a laptop computer for a run, you could jog your memory.

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