Friday, July 25, 2008

Weekly Theme:

Hanging boats seen at the San Diego
Museumof Contemporatary Art.

Same boats...different angle.


PastormacsAnn said...

These are great shots and perfect for the theme. Like how you've captured the boats from a couple of angles. Really really like the second photo with the coastline in the background!

Thanks for stopping by!

Harajuku PearL said...

Very good shots you've got for the image. I hope they have good support for these structures. Good one !

Pearl - have a good weekend

Aisha said...

That is a great shot and really nice design. :)

Anonymous said...

A wonderful hanging image - thanks for sharing.

Baker Watson said...

Never expected to see hanging boats for the theme this week. That's the good thing about the hunt. There are always surprises.

Good photo's with the different perspectives.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Wow!! Looks great that they recycled those boats and made it decorative.

Happy Weekend!

Kim said...

Very cool shot, it is pretty cool art, it looks like the boats are exploding! Kim

YTSL said...

Great shots! Very cool idea! :)

philos said...

Hehe... as an art it looks weird, but I love the photo!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's an intersting pair of photos! Well done! :)

david mcmahon said...

Great shots - the first one sure captured my attention ....

kaycee said...

That's so cool! Good one, thanks for sharing =D

TorAa said...

perfect and creative for the hanging challenge. great you show the boats from different angels

Anonymous said...

What'll they think of next! Good get...

Hootin Anni said...

Great shots...interesting concept...San Diego is one of my most favorite cities [I'm hoping you mean CA. ---we have a San Diego in Texas too, but it's really 'podunk']

Mine's posted, hop on over if you can find time! Have a super weekend.

Ingrid said...

Very nice pictures !

Anonymous said...

Hanging boat? That's look like decoration heheh. Happy weekend. TC!

Unknown said...

Wow. that is definitely a great shot for this week and something I have never seen before.
Pop by The Cafe if you'd like to see my take on the theme.

Sandy said...

Now, that is cool...great shots

Anonymous said...

Very cool shots!

Anonymous said...

Either somebody has too many boats...or too much time.

Either way, it's "too cool"

My "hanging photo" was from vacation last summer...

Flo said...

Wow!! That can not have been easy to put together. Fits perfectly with the theme.

Mine is up over at Flo's Place

Leslie: said...

Omigosh! those are incredible! I'll have to be sure to go there next time I'm in the area.

Aiyah Nonya said...

Great entry for today's theme.

tnchick ♥ said...

Neat display!

I use to live in San Diego - lots of fun things there to photograph, that's for sure.

mimi11460 said...

Amazing ..How they do it? but beautiful view out there..nice entry...wish you can see mine.

Rambling Woods said...

Hello from another retired teacher. First visit and I love the boats.

Barbara said...

Very interesting and great for the theme.

Anonymous said...

That's an AHHHmazing shot!! Just too cool & a great idea for this week's theme.

Anonymous said...

Amazing shots, love the creativity of it all! Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again some time.

Anonymous said...

A creative shot indeed! Happy PH!