March 12, 2007
Hello all,
Spring is here!! The fragrance of sweet blossoms fill the air (aachoo) and petals flutter to the ground like snowflakes! I am, of course, loving the SUN.
Thursday past, I drove to Santa Clara to join Bonnie’s family at the viewing of an amazing school musical her daughter (Lauren) was performing in. The program was on Friday evening, but I had gone on Thursday in order to catch that evening an “old” friend’s jazz gig in the city. Mike, (Bonnie’s husband) also a jazz fan, went with me. It was fun to see him and listen to his wonderful jazz group.
Friday, was a workout at Bonnie’s ultra fancy club. As I am a Curves and treadmill gal, I had a little trouble with her machines. One I kept going backwards on, and one knocked off my glasses and then I fell off the seat backwards. Vicky, Ken and the kids arrived later that afternoon. That evening Mike prepared a great buffet for all before going to Lauren’s schools performance. The musical was not really like a school performance--more like a theatrical show put on by a children’s group. The stage settings were incredible.
Saturday, was a kick back day, Bonnie had to work at another performance. Vicky and I took the kids to the park. That evening we enjoyed an excellent Ahi tuna salad prepared by Mike. Sunday, after brunch I came home. So all in all a wonderful weekend. Thanks to great family.
His week I hope wash windows, to plant some flowers in the hanging pots on the patio and put some weeds. The weather is gorgeous so I want to spend some time reading outside.
thought of the week:
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
Tom & Patty, sorry I didn’t see you, I’ll be back down in May.
Wanda, good to get your e-mail.
Diane, give Becky my best.
Bonnie and Mike, thank you so much. I had a wonderful time.
Lauren, I so enjoyed your great performance.
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