Alison’s Visit
My daughter, Alison, who is a speech therapist in a school district in Portland, Oregon recently spent her Spring Break here in Redding with me. John, her partner, also from Redding drove down with her. I joined them and his family for dinner at Market Street Steaks
(where my son, Chris is a bartender/server). Great dinner and pleasant company.
We also tried to cram in as many relatives and activities as possible--during the days. (In the evenings, John and Alison did their own thing with their friends.) In the day time, we took a walk at the Sundial Bridge, visited cousins and other family members, did some shopping
also helped me with some computer needs, we shared ideas, thoughts and many laughs.
As previously mentioned, spend time with a person under 30 and amazingly, they can give any computer problem an easy answer. So from now on my blog will look different and it will have “links”. Still trying to figure out how to make sure my photos are rotated correctly. Comment if you know the answer.
We also, went to see the musical CATS! At first the story line and words were difficult to understand, but then if began to make sense. The music and the dancing and
stage and props where amazing! Very professional!
New baby cousin, Melody, was still in hospital () and we were not able to see her. We were able to see the Norman’s twin boys and Vicky’s 1 year old son. Three year old Emma was at preschool, so we missed her.
Alison was continually exclaiming about the clear BLUE skies, and the warm sun. Apparently, (ha) Portland is not so blessed. Of course, in August, the coin may be flipped!
Thought of the week:
He who dies with the most toys, is nonetheless dead!