Rain, Rain, Go Away

Thursday April 30th, I drove to Sacramento airport to pick up sister. She was visiting me from San Diego. We headed back to Redding in dreary weather. Unfortunately, rain was the forecast for her entire visit. Yet, we did have a pleasant dinner with her friend from Paradise who just happened to to be in Redding. We went to a restaurant called Rivers. So named since it overlooks the Sacramento River, A little too cool to sit outside, however, we were lucky to be able to sit by window, lovely view. and good food!
Friday, we had some errands to run and stayed low key. We bought groceries and made a new recipe: delicious brown rice, black bean salad for dinner, (will definitely make again).
Saturday, still rainy, but we managed to check out the North Valley Art League Gallery. There we enjoyed an exhibit by local photographers.
Since Saturday was Pat’s birthday, we went to Market Street Steak House for dinner (Chris works as a bartender there). He had roses on the table for her and had already arranged for her creme brulee desert to be brought to her. After a wonderful dinner, went to hear a concert at Shasta College.

Band gets ready to perform songs from The Wizard of Oz.Sunday afternoon, we played scrabble with two of my scrabble gals at my house. That evening we had a simple dinner at home and later attended the 1st Sunday of the month jazz concert at Old City Hall. As always a great performance! My favorite part was the when Paul Senn sang with only a stand up bass accompaniment. He sang a poem in an incredible style, I believe called “vocalese”.
Monday, she headed back to San Diego. But not before trying to fill up jars with rainwater for dry San Diego.
thought for the day: “One thing a mother must always save for a rainy day is patience.”