The long road slowly rose and soon I was seeing beautiful pine trees. On and on I went with no other cars in sight. Eventually, I decided that I
might have taken a wrong turn, so I turned around and headed back. At a crossroads, I found a sign that had the same name pointing in two
different directions. I tried the other fork and finally, I did see... not a street sign...but a piece of board with the hand
-painted title "Zig Zag
." Going down the very narrow, windy gravel road I was glad no one came the other way
; at places there was a
sheer drop off. When I hadn't seen any signs of homes, I thought I'd better leave before a marijuana grower
came out with a shot gun. Below are the photos I was able to catch on my road adventure.

What a brave gal you are...I love the irony of the road and the made me laugh!
Hmm, I'm not sure I would want to travel down this road at night.
Hmm, I'm not sure I would want to travel down this road at night.
Perfect one for today's theme... Happy weekend! Mine's up too hope you can drop by...
Great story. :) I wouldn't want to be out alone on that road for too long and definately not at night. Hope you are having a great weekend.
Hmmm, maybe that road was developed by the guys that were growing the pot...maybe that's why it's called "Zig Zag." lol Good for you for going out and photographing somethint special for today!
I like all your shots!
Love the photos and what a great story about finding Zig Zag Lane! Hope you're having a great weekend!
Very funny story...although it is good to take a "get lost" ride sometimes to explore new areas, this particular area might not have been a good one to explore, HA!
i cannot afford to be lost in this kind of road but i always find roads to be fascinating...
Great story and shot!! very unique take on the theme!!
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