Busy Hands Keep Scratching at Bay
My skin disease (PRP) is improving slowly, but still
there is unrelenting itching! This week however,
I was busy helping others and therefore, by mind was
occupied with something other than my itching and scratching.
Tuesday, I helped my friend at her church measuring and
cutting out 60 plus table cloths for demonstration tables
for a community Earth Day celebration. Saturday, I will
spend a few hours at the celebration...selling T-shirts.
Wednesday, I was called unexpectantly to take care of my
2 1/2 year old nephew. So of course, he kept me very busy.
Of course, I loved being with him.
Friday, I spent about 4 hours helping another friend unpack
and prepare a room for her mother at a senior care home.
I did not take photos of all these activities, except for my day
with Billy, of course. We had fun!

Thought of the day: I DO know all the answers, but I've been sworn to secrecy.