June 17, 2010
My older sister, Pat, flew from San Diego to Sacramento where, she met up with my twin
sister, Clover, who had come from east Texas. They took the shuttle van to Redding and I met
them with a sign and balloons. (Unfortunately, there were "technical" problems with my camera and so the above is a later staged photo). That night since they had a full day of travel, we simply stayed at my house, had dinner, chatted, and watched some old Powers family videos. Experiencing again our great times with our wonderful parents. We are so fortunate to have had such a fun and loving family.
The next day I wanted to show them some of my favorite things about Redding. So I took them to The Sundial Bridge and Turtle Bay Arboretum, both amazing places to see and enjoy. (again, my camera fail me).
Home again, for a short rest before off to Chris' work, where he is a bartender, for a drink before dinner. Next, dinner at an outside patio where my favorite jazz duet was performing. Then, we still had time to go outdoor The Turtle Bay Cafe for a nightcap and more jazz from the dynamite trio of WE 3...Tony, Bruce and Cleveland. My sisters were very impressed by the quality of music here in Redding. Great local talent!!
My older sister, Pat, flew from San Diego to Sacramento where, she met up with my twin
sister, Clover, who had come from east Texas. They took the shuttle van to Redding and I met
them with a sign and balloons. (Unfortunately, there were "technical" problems with my camera and so the above is a later staged photo). That night since they had a full day of travel, we simply stayed at my house, had dinner, chatted, and watched some old Powers family videos. Experiencing again our great times with our wonderful parents. We are so fortunate to have had such a fun and loving family.
The next day I wanted to show them some of my favorite things about Redding. So I took them to The Sundial Bridge and Turtle Bay Arboretum, both amazing places to see and enjoy. (again, my camera fail me).
turtle in Arbortitum
Then off to lunch, where my son, Chris, joined us, with a bouquet of flowers for each of us. It was near a camera shop, so I took in my camera...and discovered that I had forgotten to replace my memory card (it was still in my computer). Guess, I need a new memory card for MY old brain!Home again, for a short rest before off to Chris' work, where he is a bartender, for a drink before dinner. Next, dinner at an outside patio where my favorite jazz duet was performing. Then, we still had time to go outdoor The Turtle Bay Cafe for a nightcap and more jazz from the dynamite trio of WE 3...Tony, Bruce and Cleveland. My sisters were very impressed by the quality of music here in Redding. Great local talent!!
Allison Scull and Victor Martin
Saturday morning, we were preparing to leave on our trip when Chris brought his dog, Ogee, over to see his Aunts.People rafting on the Trinity River.
Our first view on the ocean, every year I need my ocean fix.
Old Coast Guard building.
at Elk Meadow.
we drove north.
the ocean. Slept to the sound of the waves.
dog for a walk on the beach. Very windy!
to Portland. We were anxious to see Alison and
Cousin Jane arrived from North Dakota.
for drinks and a wonderful view of the city and its
seven bridges.
for dinner. Jane and Clover had never had sushi
before. One of my favorite places to eat in Portland.
Nearby is a lovely Japanese Garden, but alas,
our time was limited.
occasion triple decked bicycles in town
and here we spotted one double decker.
our cousin Jack (who lives in nearby Vancouver and
works in Portland at a hospital as a supervisor of
electricians). He joined us for a visit at the girl's hotel.
went to another Portland tourist sight...
Pittock Mansion.
This is Mt. St. Helens.
famous Powell's Bookstore. (no photos)
she bought tickets for the upcoming
Timbers' Soccer game.

This is a view of Mt. Shasta, from the north side.