My girlfriend, of 46 years, has lived in Negril, Jamaica for the past seven years. She has had many different jobs while living there, (in the paradise that called her). Currently, she not only is a member of the local Rotary, she also is a teacher of English and computers at the Theodora Project and is the Centre Coordinator .
Earlier this year, students from Ball University in the U.S.A. came and spent time with the students. After building rapport , they worked together to write their stories. Each student told a personal story and the Ball students published them in a book , Our World, Our Stories -- Theodora Reader 2008 (which can be found on Amazon). 
This is a school with very little funds that is teaching students to reach the goal of passing a ninth grade equivalent test that they may then go on to a trade school, in order to learn a trade where they will not be subject to a life of prostitution , drug dealing extreme poverty or even involved in rampant human trafficking .
When she recently visited friends in California, we heard of the struggle of the school to raise funds to purchase books for the students. We were moved to search through a used book store to gather books for the students. I was able to purchase about 20 books to send to the students. Below are Dwayne, Nicola and Leon showing off the books they received!

If you are interested in contributing books to this project: You may contact Lynette (Lynch) White at:
lynchwhite@cwjamaica.comthought of the day: "No one stands so tall as when they stoop to help a child".