It was early December and ahead lay the daunting task of decorating the house for Christmas. As a widow and empty nester, I must do all the work alone. So it is hard to get started...thus, I invited the “scrabble” group over to my house. I knew that would make me "get er done"!
First, I needed to locate everything in the garage (not put away as well as it should have been last year). I then, had to drag box after box into the house, dig through them all, in order, to find what I wanted. Since I use an artificial tree now, that had to be assembled--branch by branch. (At least, I had now learned to do this in the daylight, so I can match the color codes correctly). Of course, there weren’t enough light strands which out I ran to get more. After days of things strewn through out the house, finally, the tree was trimmed. I was able move on to the front porch, dining table, coffee table, entry table, and the guest bathroom plus, a very extra decorations here and there. Whew! Yet, all was completed, plus baking done for the scrabble game on Dec. 6th. Which I lost, as usual.
thought of the day: "Christmas is just plain weird: What other time of the year do you sit in frot of a dead tree in the living room and eat candy out of your socks?"
1 comment:
Your decorations were beautiful, festive and truly do justice to the season. I can just picture your diligent efforts at pulling it all together. Well done!
I have to say, however, that my favorite line in your blog was the last one. I'll never look at Christmas in quite the same way again. In fact, your take on the holiday brought the first major ho-ho-ho to my lips this entire stressful week.
Thank you!!!
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