It was early December and ahead lay the daunting task of decorating the house for Christmas. As a widow and empty nester, I must do all the work alone. So it is hard to get started...thus, I invited the “scrabble” group over to my house. I knew that would make me "get er done"!
First, I needed to locate everything in the garage (not put away as well as it should have been last year). I then, had to drag box after box into the house, dig through them all, in order, to find what I wanted. Since I use an artificial tree now, that had to be assembled--branch by branch. (At least, I had now learned to do this in the daylight, so I can match the color codes correctly). Of course, there weren’t enough light strands which out I ran to get more. After days of things strewn through out the house, finally, the tree was trimmed. I was able move on to the front porch, dining table, coffee table, entry table, and the guest bathroom plus, a very extra decorations here and there. Whew! Yet, all was completed, plus baking done for the scrabble game on Dec. 6th. Which I lost, as usual.
thought of the day: "Christmas is just plain weird: What other time of the year do you sit in frot of a dead tree in the living room and eat candy out of your socks?"